Learn More About Allegheny Physical MEdicine, P.c.

Shoulder Injury from Auto Accident

If you have recently been involved in an auto accident, you may have sustained a shoulder injury. If left untreated, shoulder injuries can cause long-term pain and immobility. At Allegheny Physical Medicine in Bethel Park, PA, we have treated shoulder injuries for many years. Read on to learn more about common shoulder injuries and how we treat them.


Some Common Shoulder Problems

There are many types of shoulder injuries, including:

  • Strains
  • Dislocated shoulder
  • Tendonitis – Tendonitis and its cousin bursitis can often come on gradually and build until one day you wake up with shoulder pain. Tendonitis is an inflammation of the tendons, the thick cords that attach your muscles to bone.
  • Rotator cuff injury
  • Bursitis – A condition affecting small, fluid-filled sacs that cushions muscles, tendons, and bones near joints called the bursa. Bursitis is often caused by vigorous activity or repetitive motion and often becomes more severe with age. Activities that often lead to bursitis include pitching, throwing, golf, tennis, gardening, carpentry, and scrubbing.
  • Sprains
  • Frozen shoulder – a debilitating and painful condition that inhibits a good night’s sleep and can make simple everyday tasks like buttoning your shirt or brushing your teeth impossible. Left untreated, this condition can at times lead to an inability to use the affected shoulder for years.

Treatment that Works

If you are one of those people who wondered if chiropractic offers relief from shoulder pain, here are four ways it can.

Rotator Cuff Injuries

Surgery is often not necessary to treat a rotator cuff injury. Chiropractic massage therapy helps to relax tight muscles and release trigger points. If considered necessary, your chiropractor may also use ultrasound to reduce inflammation and/or cold laser to enable micro-tears in your muscles to heal more quickly.


Chiropractic often uses a combination of ultrasound and chiropractic massage therapy to reduce inflammation and pain along with breaking down scar tissue. We may also suggest the use of herbal anti-inflammatories more quickly to reduce inflammation.

Frozen Shoulder

About 2% of all adults experience this debilitating condition, most often between the age of 40 and 60. Chiropractic massage therapy and low force instrument adjustments provide effective methods of treatment for a frozen shoulder.

Shoulder Injuries/Tendonitis

Your chiropractor uses imaging tests, such as x-rays, and a thorough examination to create a treatment plan designed especially for you. Herbal anti-inflammatories, chiropractic massage, ice therapy, and the use of a TENS device are often prescribed to treat tendonitis and other should injuries.

Shoulder Pain Treatment in Bethel Park, PA

Call Allegheny Physical Medicine today at (412) 376-3436 for more information or to schedule an appointment with our chiropractor. 

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7:30 am - 6:30 pm
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
7:30 am - 6:30 pm
7:30 am - 2:00 pm
7:30 am - 6:30 pm
7:30 am - 11:30 am